My New/Updated Reborn/Baby Doll Bassinets/Carrier Beds
👣Pics of the 1st Baby Bassinet/Bed I made, for Deja👣
👣Pics of the 2nd Baby Bassinet/Bed I made, for Genesis👣
Last month my Daughter, Genesis Finally got her "Dream Baby!" A 14" Vollence (AKA: Ivita) full silicone baby girl, whom she named Zowie. She has wanted her since around December/January, which at the time was not something we were able to do (this was during our "in between" homeless time) so I had posted around ISO: anyone interested in Trading a 14" Vollence/Ivita for my 18" Vollence, unfortunately there was no responses and the one individual at the time who did answer 1 of my posts was clearly trying to Scam me. So months went by, we both kind of 'forgot' about it, though she still talked about wanting her from time to time. Then about a month ago I receive an email from a lovely woman in Canada who was interested in trading, we talked for a bit/exchanged a number of emails, pics, etc. I was more than willing to do the trade - one day I receive an email from her stating "She did not want to take 'Emmie', my 18" Vollence out of our family, because she could tell how 'bonded' our family was with her." I informed her I was more than happy to do the trade, as I was doing so for Genesis. Long story semi-shortened, this incredibly kind woman ended up sending Genesis the baby, along with a nice little box w/a couple items- for nothing in return! I could not be any more grateful and have tried to express just how thankful both Genesis and I are for her act of kindness and generosity, though I feel word are not enough and do plan to send her a special gift and thank you's in the next month or so.
Prior to Zowie's arrival, Genesis wanted to get her bedroom (which her and I recently traded rooms; she now has my old design studio room and I have her old bedroom) ready for her new baby, etc. So I made her a crib using a decent size, very sturdy box which I Painted, added a Sweet Dreams message on and Genesis added a couple stickers to the front. To keep it safe (My youngest Son, Caius is 2 & 1/2 and though he means well he can be quite destructive at times LOL) so I screwed it to her wall, at a level high enough to avoid Caius' path of chaos & at Genesis' level so she can easily put Zowie in/out etc.
This past July Genesis' best friend, Deja who also loves babies/reborns (Genesis had given her, 'Makenzie' her 1st life-like baby awhile back so they each had a baby to play with when together) turned 10 and she was getting an Ashton Drake baby, Alicia's Gentle Touch for her Birthday. So being Me, I of course had to get right to work making her a little shower box and was trying to think of a bigger item I could make her, while she was over one night she stated she would like a baby crib/bed for when she got her baby so I decided I'd make her one. I 1st started using similar items I had used to make the wall crib for Genesis' baby, this was for some reason not turning out how I had planned, so I spent some time looking up ideas online and found a few 'baby carrier beds/baskets' I thought would be a good idea to make for her. I made my own pattern/template and so on and the bed ended up turning out, what I think is pretty good! *(Deja Loved it and immediately Genesis wanted one also! *That part of the story soon to come.)
I'll be posting Step-By-Step instructions, as well as Photos of my design/diy process in a 2nd post.
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