Live 2Be You'Nique Family Creationz: Enter The Amazing & You'Nique World of Tattooing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7687980865309951", enable_page_level_ads: true });

Enter The Amazing & You'Nique World of Tattooing

    So, I believe it was around the beginning of March or so this year, my Daughter & her boyfriend were having his Uncle come up and do tattoos (which we had planned well before the virus all came up and stuff) since they live with us the plan was I could get a tattoo as my 'fee' for everyone getting their's done here... of course I spent like 2+ weeks drawing a tree with Damien & Caius' names (seeing how I didn't have their names at the time) well long story short after all that i realized it was a bit too big, even after editing it on my laptop, etc- so I decided on a different tat *[PICS WILL BE POSTED BELOW] during this time I not only drew up mine, but my Daughters' and others as well and not to sound like a stuck up d***, cause I'm the last person who brags and/or thinks they are great- I have always been a decent artist; with all the other stuff I do as well as drawing/sketching- I can look at an imag/pic and draw it and I can draw on my own- well during this time I could not stop thinking about how I would love to try tattooing- but I didnt want to admit/tell anyone that because I figured everyone would just think "there's another thing Sydney thinks she can do/is good at" eventually I did happen to bring it up to Kirsten (my daughter) as well as my bf Scott and they thought it was a good idea- 
  May 2020 I ordered a tattoo kit and as soon as it got here started practicing; the practice skin it came with kind of sucks *(NO OFFENSE TO THE CO. I GOT THE KIT FROM- THEY ARE GREAT/MY KIT IT GREAT- JUST NOT THE SKIN) I did some work on a honeydew or 2 (as melons are very popular for practicing i guess) plus other forms of practice- which I cannot stress enough - that no matter what I've been able to do thus far, i am still regularly practicing with both my hand drawing, as well as using my 2 tattoo pens + I am regularly reading and taking notes, I've even started watching lots of videos- and for me that is not my best way of learning normally, but for this area of art/tattooing videos have proven to be incredibly helpful!
 I wanted to share some of the work I have done so far *[PLEASE NOTE: many are WIPs' & need to be/are in the process of being finished/touched up]


  1. This seller scammed me. I ordered something from her worth over 50 dollars, and never received the shipment. I was beyond disappointed because I truly trusted Sydney.

    1. I also emailed her several times, and never heard back from her. I requested that she refunded me, and she never did.


DIY Teepee Tent Summer 2020

We were originally going to use 4 pieces of trim (which we had cut at 8 feet for our apartment reno we've been working on- but of cours...