Live 2Be You'Nique Family Creationz: Hand Made Quilts (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7687980865309951", enable_page_level_ads: true });

Hand Made Quilts

....Some of the recent projects I've Started & Am Working On.....

   Sometimes my design and creative side can go a bit wild! Most of the time I am working on specific orders I receive and/or individual projects whether for the kids or others... But every so often I find myself with what seems like 20 different projects going at once... I will get an idea (or 5) and start one thing then take a break or come across something in my time that 'inspires my creative and not to mention ADHD side!' And I start another... So on until I have a bunch of unfinished potential.. 
 Lately I have attempted to start better 'organizing' & 'managing' and though it is really hard to stay in 1 task at a time still (LoL) I have made what I think is 'progress' I recently started sewing squares using scrap fabric and other misc. Material with the plans to make my kids each a quilt... Well I have done most of the work and am almost finished both my 9 1/2yr old daughter's & my 4 1/2yr old son's quilts... (I have not started my 18mo old son's yet...) But progress as i said- Let me just say as I have mentioned in previous post i have severe nerve issues in my hands, wrist, fingers.. And have alot of pain, etc. Well even though I have a great sewing machine which we bought only a few months back- it's Brother LX3817 and it os awesome... I always seem to end up hand sewing 90% of my projects (the min i bring the machine out and start using that foot pedal my 18mo old is there and I have had a painful lesson from allowing his feet & hands anywhere near the pedal when I am using it!) The quilts have come out really cute so far... At least i think :) and maybe it is coincidence but my hands have been ok and seem to of gine awhile without pain. Well I started making squares for a quilt for my Mom because when i showed her the 2 i have been working on she loved them! I brought my machine into kitchen, which is gated from the hall & living room so I am a safe (lol) from Caius' feet.. Let me just say as much as i enjoy hand sewing it took me literally a total of 15mins to sew a dozen squares (i had to do a few small things in between causs of course the second Mommy tries to do anything that is when the kids all of a sudden are dehydrated starving machines that need to pee and change the channel every 30 seconds!) ;) so to the point This sewing machine makes it 100x easier and faster to do stuff- I believe it has found it's new home in my kitchen (my boyfriend may not like that seeing as he spent 3wks designing and building me a beautiful hand made desk & work area to do all my stuff at.)
 I am Not 100% sure where I was going w/this post- though I know I originally had a plan... Here are some pics of my quilt projrects... 
They are not put together yet I'm not sure how I am arranging ea. 1 but here are some of the squares for Mom's quilt. *(above pic & below pic)

my Brother LX817 sewing machine... Which I Love!
Here are few pics of Genesis' quilt & Damian's *(Work in progress)

📌UPDATED 07/02/2019
So I've been on the sewing and quilting roll of a lifetime LOL! Over the last 6mos I have made 3 HuGyPiLows, 2 Baby Quilts, a SnuGlyBed, a  'KeepSake' Quilt, a Quilt for myself (I know!? Something for Me.. :) And a bunch of other things....
1st of all-day if I have not already mentioned it, (Ya, right I've probably mentioned it a half a dozen or more times, just in the past month.. HaHaHa I'm kidding..Mostly.
Well to try and stay on topic I'm going to cut my convo and the Hiiilarious Banter (LOL Again) I normally have in my posting/writings. Getting to the point; The photos above I had posted quite awhile back, the 1st 4 pics are of the Quilts I had been, at the time starting for both Genesis and Damian, the 5th pic is of a small hand made quilt I made as a 'Special Surprise Gift'  for a special little reborn baby boy Jamal, for an order his Mama had made for a shower box. Well obliviously I don't have that one as it was a gift for someone, But I do have both Genesis and Damian's quilts- Well I Also now have A LOT more experience & [Not intended as me thinking I'm some Super-Seamstress Expert Sewer] But My Skill level has greatly improved. So recently while I had been working on making Caius' quilt, I was looking at theirs thinking, "hmm..these really have potential, and I should "upgrade/update" them. Seeing how I have been on sewing overdrive and lately I have been doing much better working on 1 project at a time instead of 3 or 4 at the same time... *(I've found that by mostly focusing on 1 project at a time I finish each one so much faster than when I used to go back and forth between this project and this project, etc)
So anyways to what I was saying , when I started making Caius' quilt I used a lot of material/squares I made out of his old/outgrown clothes; onesies, shirts, etc. now Caius Loves trucks, works trucks; excavators/dump trucks/garbage trucks, etc - Scott working for The City and always driving a "Super Cool Truck" as the kids say (shoot I've even said it, some of the vehicles/work trucks are really cool when you get to see them up close & often) and with half his collection of onesies and shirts having a variety of these and many other 'cool vehicles' that made a certain someone so excited! I also used a variety of fabric but found using the old/outgrown clothing to be not only fun, but a KeepSake of sorts for each of the children to enjoy.
I've spent the past month going through their clothes *(Which thankfully I had been doing for about 2mos prior to starting the quilt upgrades-) and with each of them having so much they no longer fit into, I was able to collect a variety of super cute/fun and special materials/fabrics to make squares from. 

A few Pics of some of my more recent Completed and WIP Quilts....
Pics are Not all in order/together- I'll add notes below if/when needed to describe to w.e.

NOTE: I sewing everything by hand; I did have a very nice Brother's Sewing Machine, but unfortunately during the 4 & 1/2mos we were "In-Between" (AKA:Homeless, I still do Not like using that term ;/ )I decided to sell it- When I was a kid I remember my Mother pawning and/or "getting a 'loan'" for stuff here and there *(Just Want to Note; My Mother has struggled with substance abuse issues for not only most of My Life, but most of Her own Life as well- so "things were just the way they were or weren't when I was younger/growing up."- and often times it would be things that were mine or important to me that would be used to sell/get a loan- Also we lost our entire storage unit after we had to move out of our apartment when I was 11yrs old and I remember the day we moved out I had my entire Barbie collection, along with all the beautiful clothes and shoes I had for them, etc and Mom's husband asked me- "are you putting it in storage or taking it?!?" I let them put it in storage and I remember after we lost the unit I regretted that decision for so long... **So Again to get back to the point- I told myself that NO MATTER what the reason- mind you our recent situation had Nothing to do with anything other than just falling on hard times, falling behind when even though my BF works a good job, works his a** of everyday, and more- we struggle and to make it even more tough the times we genuinely need help are turned down due to us being "an intact family" (AKA: 2 parent household) *There alot more on this and other related subjects, etc that I have been working on having the courage to actually share out loud- with out feeling like I'm even more of a failure than I already feel like... *Upcoming pages'/posts and special content will be posted and featured in the coming weeks.
I swore I would Never take anything of my Childrens' for any reason- so I chose to sell my sewing machine to avoid ever making my kids feel that way I remember feeling... 
I do have a Singer Quick Stitch hand-held sewer/mender (one that looks like a stapler- which I do not care for personally) As well as a Singer Quick Stitch2 which is a bit better and I do actually like but for some reason cannot re-thread it- and I not only know how to thread real sewing machines, I followed every step of the directions and yet it isn't working correctly... 
So I sewing everything by hand-held 

Finished Black Panther Quilt- I actually was able to start & finish this in less than 36hrs. (could of been much less time but have to do life 1st then sew.. LOL) 

This is the Backside of the finished baby quilt I made for whom I  consider to be like an 'adopted Daughter's Baby girl.
This is the Front side of quilt pictured above 

Little Sleeper sack I made for practice- I still have a little bit of a hard time sewing zippers just right lol

Back Side of Black Panther Quilt 

Some Really great fabric quilting squares- in a variety of patterns/print all pre-cut one size perfect for hand making quilts and other fun sewing projects!

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